Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Me a Mom?

So it’s hard for me to picture me owning my own child. Like I’ve had 10 bunnies and really not one story has a happy ending. I just recently had a dog and loved it so much but gave it up when we realized it would be hard to have this summer. Ya.. I can’t do that with my kid. The dog though was actually 100% Chad’s fault. I wanted to keep it and would have loved my summer with that amazing fur ball pup. Chad was just jealous and swore I loved her more than him. He hated that our dog would sleep through the night but would wake up at 8 and he wanted to sleep till 9. He hated that we could just throw it out back for 5 hours and leave but then let her in once we got home. He hated that at ten every night she would walk her precious pretty self into her kennel and go to bed, he wanted her to sleep outside. He hated having to take her outback to use the bathroom and the fact she would go outback, he wanted her to wear newborn diapers. No seriously he did and we tried. I don’t think Chad fully understands what this child is going to be like. I don’t think I understand either though. BUT… we are so excited and will do our very best to be the best parents for this baby in my tum.

Well, I figured I would recap our pregnancy story since it’s so great and since I’m no longer home I really haven’t been able to tell many people. It all started the last day of my birth control [Sorry if anyone thinks I go into too much detail.. I really don’t] I’m on the Nuvaring or I guess was on the Nuvaring so it’s 3 weeks in 1 week out. Repeat. So end of the third week I take that bad boy out and usually about 2 to 3 days I will start my period. The 4th day I still hadn’t and of course that was the day we were to leave to South Carolina. Drive to South Carolina. Drive 36 hours in a car. I was just think great I am going to start this up and be stuck in a freaking jam packed car where I can’t even recline my 90 degree angle seat. Well first day went great and no period. I was so happy! Not thinking, Oh weird maybe that means I am pregnant. No hadn’t even entered my head. Second day on the road preppin for our 17 hour drive to reach SC I go to the bathroom right before we leave and I swear bam blood. Just a little but to me I’m thinking wow what a catch before I went and soaked in it for 4 hours till our next rest stop. Throw a tampon in, take a few Midol and request a dr. pepper. Our next stop I go to that bathroom ready to change out and what do you know, no trace of blood on it. I’m so confused but just think oh it just kind of started earlier and hasn’t kicked in to full gear quite yet. Put another tampon in. Rather be safe than sorry. Next stop, same thing, no blood. So confused but happy at the same time, still no way am I thinking there is a future child in my belly. I had earlier that day told my mom how upset I was I had started my period and had to be in a car all day so the next day we woke up in South Carolina and I decided to call my mom to let her know we had gotten in real late that night before and so on. She asked me how my period was and I told her how it was so crazy but I didn’t really start I guess. She asked well are you late and I said oh ya like a couple days. Like really who has their period the same day every month. It can change all the time right??? Well my mom the smart lady she is said well while your grocery shopping why don’t you grab a pregnancy test, they’re like fifteen bucks. Fifteen bucks??? Ha ya right I want to buy one of those. I told Chad we’d just give it a week or so and if I still hadn’t started we’d go spend the money. Well we’re at Wal-Mart and need toothpaste so make our way over there. Of course we end up right in front of the preg tests. I felt like weird even in front of them because I knew there was no way. Well they actually were like nine bucks and we thought it was kind of funny so we threw it in the cart and went and checked out. On our drive back I had said I needed to ya know go pee so Chad said pee on the stick. So we go home and I did just that. Almost seconds after it comes up with one line which means Negative. I tell Chad Yup we’re not having a baby and we’re thinking well that was a waist of nine bucks. We start unloading all the groceries and putting things away when I wonder back into the bathroom for something. All of a sudden I take a double take at what I think I just saw on the test sitting there. TWO LINES!! Ya Chad didn’t tell me to give it a good 15 minutes. I was um.. speechless. In shock! I told Chad to come look at this and he though I pointed to a smudge on the counter and rubbed it and said hmmm what is that.. I then picked the test up and put it 3 inches from his eyes and told him we were pregnant. He just kept saying no no no. Like not like a bad no but like a no way! So many emotions were going everywhere. So happy but scared and confused. We then wanted to make the perfect way to tell everyone but it was sort of hard being across the country. Chad left for work and I started working on a slide show of when Chad and I met, first date, first kiss, proposal.. everything! Then at the end it had a few pictures of South Carolina and our drive and then it said how we have loved our first year together and all our adventures and memories then the next slide said but we are particularly excited for one adventure to come then the next slide was Chad holding the test saying we were Prego. Much butter but like it took 4 hours to download on youtube and then no sound worked so I just decided I would do it on facebook. It took 3 hours and then with about 30 seconds left it said processing then all of a sudden like a gay notification it said, I’m sorry this video cannot be processed at this time, please try again later. Wow I was upset but couldn’t hold it in any longer. Had to tell the world. Sorry for everyone who was upset you found out on facebook… Bailey, Mandi… hahaha we are new at this. We promise to be better next time!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog Time!

Well I never thought I would actually get a blog or if I did I didn’t think it would be for a while but now that I’m married and have a baby in the oven I think it’s time. I’m like so mature now… Ya I’m joking, but I really think I will enjoy it and considering I’m the only wife out here in South Carolina for a few more days it will give me something to do. I’m guessing anybody who is reading this, if anybody even is reading this probably knows Chad and I but I love talking about US and telling stories so I will do it anyways. And isn’t it like a rule and appropriate first blog post???
Alright, Chad and I met May 4th at his indoor soccer game. Cutest Couple of the Year AKA Paul Bart and Lindie Thompson were dating and so of course we had to go support him in the big soccer game. I guess we didn’t exactly meet at the soccer game because I don’t think I actually remember seeing him but he says he saw me.. After the game he text Paul to see what he was doing and Paul was at our house and invited him over.  He came over but we still didn’t even talk that much. All I really remembered was his conversation with his friend talking about going to the lake the next day. After he left our house he asked Paul for my number and text me that night. After I got the first text Lindie and I knew I had to text him back because we had to be invited to the lake the next day! Well.. It worked!! May 5th was lake day and Lindie and I were very excited especially since we had just moved there May 1st. Chad had text me earlier that day and asked if I knew how to wakeboard. Lying I told him no and asked him to teach me. From the time we got in the truck to head to the lake he was telling me what I needed to do, how to hold the rope and giving me demonstrations. He kept saying he could tell I was nervous and that I couldn’t get back in the boat till I got up for at least a few seconds. He would lye on the floor of the boat and show me how it pulls you and where to put your knees. It was precious. Finally it was my turn and coach Chad gave me another hundred tips as I got into the water. He was sitting on the back of the boat with Lindie when the boat took off and up I came. He was in shock! He thought he had taught me and was the most amazing Teacher in the world. Seconds later I carved out of the wake and took my first jump and his face was priceless. He was so confused but soon realized he had been fooled.  It was a great day to say the least. 

{{{&& Don’t stress, I won’t talk that much about every date in our life or this will be a novel, not a blog.}}}
…May 9th Chad moved to California to sell for the summer. 
May 23rd Chad flew home Sunday for a few hours to see me. 
June 19th Chad decided to move home (for me) haha 
June 28th first ILOVEYOU! 
July 13th Chad went back out to sell (money for a ring). 
July 17th told my parents I knew I would marry him.  
August 8th Chad moved back home. 
August 13th, Engaged!

 Lots of stress and planning a wedding. Finally married December 18th in the St George Temple.